👮Rug Defender

For every token viewed through MemeBot, we offer 3 indicators to help you trade memecoins safely so you don't get rugged.

  1. LP burnt 🔥: "LP🔥" means tokens from the liquidity pool are permanently removed and locked away. This means once its 100% burnt, devs won't be able to rug you. (by pulling liquidity out of the pool). For now, we're only monitoring the biggest pool - where most of the trading for new tokens happens anyway

  2. Mintable: No | Yes 🔴 - this indicates the power to create new tokens. The checkmark indicates that it has been disabled, so you're safe.

  3. Top 10 Holders: "TOP10H", this percentage represents the number of tokens the top 10 holders have. If they hold 80% for example, you might get dumped on. Be careful!

Last updated